Saturday, April 28, 2007


Before the last presidential election I wrote a sour grapes fantasy about the right-wing-nuts, tis fun to be childishly petulant once in a bit... o.o

Here's a peek into my somewhat vengeful heart:

About these so called Christians; a favorite fantasy of mine is that when everyone ends up at the Pearly Gates, many excited because the end times finally "came about", there are two lines; one for the souls who supported Bush & gave him his power, blind to the truth, and the other for everyone else. Of course, the Bushies are all eager and pleased with themselves, they even have a crew "monitoring" the line to make sure nobody sneaks into their queue who doesn't belong there, particularly gay people and poor people and colored folks and such who are lacking the proper credentials.

St Peter is in charge of the general line, greeting us individually, willing to forgive the sins of the humble. The line is long but moves along easily, much to the building consternation of the "moral majority". Finally God himself makes an appearance and personally unlocks a beautiful golden door, way off on the right, telling them somberly that they have earned their eternal just reward ten times over.

Crowing with delight they stampede through, onto a vast & long spiral slide the size of a mountain, well oiled, pitching themselves down into a Hell beyond their wildest imagination. Still pumped with a frenzy of spiritual adrenalin they manage to fool themselves into thinking that Satan's Amusement Park is their exclusive club, and it IS in a manner of speaking.... .

They are stuck with each other for ever and ever, with nobody else to point fingers at or force to pay their debts, no minions to take advantage of for minimum wage, nobody to do their chores for them, or their dirty work.

Oh yeah... alas, the commissary and concessions only take Euros, the new world money standard, so even those who figured out how to take their hoards of wealth with them are wretchedly poor, unable to ride any of the rides, or buy even a hot dog. Their dollars may as well be confederate! They are forced to eat out of dumpsters, and perform degrading acts just to survive. They get to wallow in the fear and hatred of their own making. The angels who watch over them are gay...

Everyone else lives happily ever after, finally, amongst kindness and truth and plenty.
The End o.O

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