Saturday, April 21, 2007


OK, so I wrote this to a guy who was pursuing me a couple of years ago, before I found the love of my life. Thank God he showed his true colors almost immediately by responding with alleged delight that I had pegged him, then immediately posted it to his profile on AFF where we had met. (((duh))) Jerk.


my guess... we have this and more in common:

our pendulum swings wide; high highs, low lows..... anything but the middle.

average has no appeal, & to be considered such would be an insult; to settle for such would be a sin (if we believed in sin).

we hit jaded a while back and forge on, crafting disillusion into a seductive artform.

we are magnetic to the extreme; attracting and repulsing; being attracted and becoming repulsed... or bored.

boredom is a deadly place to be avoided at all costs; we'd sooner spend time at a leper colony, which would be anything but boring to our perverse sense of humanity.

we are TOO MUCH to contain and often spill over into people's comfort zone's.

we don't know when to shut up, or rather we do but fail to do so because of a compulsion to be heard.

we could easily be emotional vampires and commit major soul-suckage but for the fact that self respect ranks high.

we have so much to give that it actually HURTS not to have someone to receive us on the same level.

our light shines BRIGHT and we especially like using it to explore dark forbidden places.

we both love and loathe who we are... there is some shame in settling for less than our potential, for kowtowing to society even a little.

we connect quickly and completely, but unplug as soon as we figure out there's not enough spiritual voltage available to sustain us.

the more visible we are on the surface the more invisible we become innerly.

there is a primally lonely void that gnaws within, a faminous hunger we cannot placate by socially conventional means.

although we believe our dearest desire is to find our match & be completely understood, that just might be more truth than even we could bear to face.

i am like & unlike the countless others

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