The double bed was inviting, but oh so empty. She turned on the TV to chase away the loneliness & lit a joint. As usual, it was way too late to call home & talk to her kid. Home. She felt like a kid herself, playing at being an adult. Sometimes it was so tempting to go back to her folks, and her old dog Queenie, and everything that had slipped away somehow. Sometimes she wished she could reclaim her innocence.
She slipped between the sheets, and her hand drifted between her legs as she pondered the evening. Tips had been pretty good, though at the moment she was too pooped to remember where she was. BumFart USA. The circuit was sort of like the merry-go-round she used to adore when she was younger, spinning til everything became a blurr.
She smiled as she remembered the one guy who stood out tonight. How could he not, he must have been six and a half feet tall, and hefty. His lush beard was a nice contrast to his shiny head. But it was his friendly smile that got her. And his eyes, his sparkly eyes looking into hers, like he saw the person within. You would think she had more than her fill of attention, with all of the lusty adulation & cheering! What she craved most was some simple loving.
She felt herself becoming aroused as she pondered the looks he had given her as he watched her dance. Golly, he was HUGE!!! A big sexy teddy bear, someone she could have gotten lost in. Jen sighed deeply as she moved her hand slowly & surely. Yes, she had power of sorts... the power to turn men on. Even women for that matter. Even herself.
She imagined kissing him, and him kissing her back deeply & passionately. mmmmmmmm... nice! Was she just another lost princess, looking for her prince? Jen had learned all too early in life that most princes turned out to be toads, and that the possibility of happily ever after was slim. She had learned to stand on her own two feet, or to dance on them as the case may be. She had learned to depend on herself.
As she moved towards her fulfillment, she imagined his vast body, his weight pressing down on her, pushing her into the mattress. Ooohhhhhh... yessssssss!!!! Her heart pulsing deeply, Jen slipped into sleep, to a kinder place where her feet didn't hurt, where her butt wasn't bruised from bawdy drunken pinches stolen when she let her guard down.
Slumber allowed her to forget how it felt when she had gotten up the nerve to approach him, her heart thudding, and asked him to spend the night with her. He had been kind... "Sorry sweetheart, I'm married." Tomorrow would be a new day!
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